dnl Check for apreq2 libraries dnl CHECK_APREQ2(MINIMUM-VERSION, ACTION-IF-FOUND [, ACTION-IF-NOT-FOUND]) AC_DEFUN([CHECK_APREQ2], [dnl AC_ARG_WITH( apreq2, [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-apreq2=PATH],[Path to your apreq2-config])], ap_path="$withval", ap_path="/usr" ) if test -x $ap_path -a ! -d $ap_path; then AP_BIN=$ap_path else test_paths="$ap_path:$ap_path/bin:$ap_path/sbin" dnl Search the Apache Binary Directories too. Since we should set these in apache.m4 if test -d $AP_BINDIR; then test_paths="${test_paths}:${AP_BINDIR}" fi if test -d $AP_SBINDIR; then test_paths="${test_paths}:${AP_SBINDIR}" fi test_paths="${test_paths}:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin" test_paths="${test_paths}:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin" AC_PATH_PROG(AP_BIN, apreq2-config, no, [$test_paths]) fi if test "$AP_BIN" = "no"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([*** The apreq2-config binary installed by apreq2 could not be found!]) AC_MSG_ERROR([*** Use the --with-apreq2 option with the full path to apreq2-config]) ifelse([$3], , AC_MSG_ERROR([apreq2 >=$1 is not installed.]), $3) else dnl TODO: Do a apreq2-config Version check here... APREQ_LIBS="`$AP_BIN --link-ld --ldflags --libs 2>/dev/null`" APREQ_CFLAGS="`$AP_BIN --includes 2>/dev/null`" AC_SUBST(APREQ_LIBS) AC_SUBST(APREQ_CFLAGS) ifelse([$2], , AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]), $2) fi ])