# $Id: Makefile,v 1.10 2002/05/14 21:47:14 helios Exp $ MLMVERS = 1.17 # Where you unpacked your Apache tarball -- the source. APACHESOURCE = /usr/local/src/apache_1.3.22 # Where Apache [got|will get] installed APACHEINST = /usr/local/Apache # Do you want to log SSL information? # Yes? # - #define WANT_SSL_LOGGING in mod_log_sql.c # - pick (A) below # No? # - #undef WANT_SSL_LOGGING in mod_log_sql.c # - pick (B) below # (A) # # Modify "/usr/include/mysql" to where YOUR mysql.h can be found, # Modify "/usr/local/ssl/include" to where YOUR openssl/*.h files are, # Modify "/usr/include/db1" to where YOUR ndbm.h can be found, # Modify "/usr/local/src/apache_1.3.22/src/modules/ssl" to where YOUR mod_ssl.h can be found. # # How to find your directories: # # $ locate mysql.h # /usr/include/mysql/mysql.h # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # # $ locate x509.h # /usr/local/ssl/include/openssl/x509.h # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # # $ locate ndbm.h # /usr/include/db1/ndbm.h # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # # $ locate mod_ssl.h # /usr/local/src/apache_1.3.22/src/modules/ssl/mod_ssl.h # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # Now uncomment this CFLAGS and comment out the one further down: CFLAGS = -fpic -O2 -Wall -I${APACHEINST}/include -I/usr/include/mysql -I/usr/local/ssl/include -I/usr/include/db1 -I${APACHESOURCE}/src/modules/ssl # (B) # # Modify "/usr/include/mysql" to where YOUR mysql.h can be found, # # How to find your directories: # # $ locate mysql.h # /usr/include/mysql/mysql.h # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # # Comment out CFLAGS above and uncomment CFLAGS below: #CFLAGS = -fpic -O2 -Wall -I${APACHEINST}/include -I/usr/include/mysql # --------------------------------------------------------- # You shouldn't have to touch below here. CC = gcc INSTALL = /usr/bin/install -m 664 all: mod_log_sql.o mod_log_sql.o: mod_log_sql.c Makefile $(CC) ${CFLAGS} -c mod_log_sql.c install: all $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 ${APACHESOURCE}/src/modules/sql $(INSTALL) mod_log_sql.c ${APACHESOURCE}/src/modules/sql/mod_log_sql.c $(INSTALL) Makefile ${APACHESOURCE}/src/modules/sql/Makefile $(INSTALL) mod_log_sql.o ${APACHESOURCE}/src/modules/sql/mod_log_sql.o distro: all cp -f INSTALL ${APACHEINST}/html/mod_log_sql/ cp -f README ${APACHEINST}/html/mod_log_sql/ cp -f CHANGELOG ${APACHEINST}/html/mod_log_sql/ cd ..; tar zcf mod_log_sql-${MLMVERS}.tar.gz --exclude mod_log_sql/CVS mod_log_sql/; $(INSTALL) mod_log_sql-${MLMVERS}.tar.gz ${APACHEINST}/html/mod_log_sql/; rm -f mod_log_sql-${MLMVERS}.tar.gz rm -f ${APACHEINST}/html/mod_log_sql/mod_log_sql.tar.gz ln -s mod_log_sql-${MLMVERS}.tar.gz ${APACHEINST}/html/mod_log_sql/mod_log_sql.tar.gz clean: rm -f *.o *~