$Id: README,v 1.4 2002/04/08 07:06:20 helios Exp $ Homepage -------- http://www.grubbybaby.com/mod_log_mysql/ Approach -------- In order to save speed and overhead, links are kept alive in between queries. This module uses one SQL link per httpd process. Among other things, this means that this module supports logging into only one MySQL server, and for now, also, only one SQL database (although the latter limitation can be relatively easily removed). Different data can be sent to different tables. i.e., it's possible to define one table for TransferLog, one for RefererLog, and a 3rd for AgentLog. [ Note: this is now deprecated behavior. Please consider logging Agent and Referer to the same table as your transfers. ] Virtual hosts are supported in the same manner they are in the regular logging modules. If you specify a different table for a virtual host it will be used, otherwise the 'general' would be used. Note: since all 3 types of logs are implemented within the same module, if you specify an overriding table for a virtual host for one type of log, it'll ignore any previous 'general' defaults (see the example in the end). SQL links are opened on demand (i.e., the first time each httpd needs to log something to SQL, the link is opened). In case the SQL server is down when trying to connect to it, the module remains silent and logs no error (I didn't want thousands of error messages in the logfile). In case the SQL link is broken ("mysql server has gone away") a proper error message is kept to the error log (textual :), and the module tries to reestablish the concact (and reports whether it succeeded or not in the error log). If the link cannot be reestablished, the module will, again, remain silent. Technical note: The SQL link is registered using apache's pool mechanism, so SQL links are properly closed on any normal shutdown, kill -HUP or kill -TERM. This also means that if you restart the MySQL daemon for any reason you should restart Apache. Supported directives -------------------- Please see the web-based documentation for full explanation of all supported run-time directives. http://www.grubbybaby.com/mod_log_mysql/directives.html See the FAQ for some handy examples: http://www.grubbybaby.com/mod_log_mysql/faq.html What gets logged by default? ---------------------------- All the data that would be contained in the "Combined Log Format" is logged by default, plus a little extra. Your best bet is to accept this default and employ the enclosed access_log.sql to format your table. Customize your logging format after you've had a chance to experiment with the default first. If you just want to log enough data to be able to reconstruct a Combined Log Format log, log these: +------------------+------------------+ | Field | Type | +------------------+------------------+ | remote_host | varchar(50) | | remote_user | varchar(50) | | request_uri | varchar(50) | | virtual_host | varchar(50) | | time_stamp | int(10) unsigned | | status | smallint(6) | | bytes_sent | int(11) | | referer | varchar(255) | | agent | varchar(255) | | request_method | varchar(6) | | request_protocol | varchar(10) | +------------------+------------------+ remote_host: corresponds to the Apache %h directive. Contains the remote hostname or IP of the machine accessing your server. Example: si4002.inktomi.com remote_user: corresponds to the Apache %u directive. Contains the userid of people who have authenticated to your server, if applicable. Example: freddy request_uri: corresponds to the Apache %U directive. Contains the URL path requested, excluding any query string. This is different than the %r information you might be used to seeing: %r: GET /cgi-bin/neomail.pl?sessionid=freddy-session-0.742143231719&sort=date_rev HTTP/1.1 %U: /cgi-bin/neomail.pl We log %U because it contains the real meat of the information that is needed for log analysis, and saves the database a LOT of wasted growth on unneeded bytes. virtual_host: contains the VirtualHost that is making the log entry. This allows you to log multiple VirtualHosts to a single MySQL database and yet still be able to extract them for separate analysis. Example: www.grubbybaby.com time_stamp: contains the time that the request was logged. Please see "Notes" below to get a better understanding of this. Example: 1014249231 status: corresponds to the Apache %t directive. Contains the HTTP status of the request. Example: 404 bytes_sent: corresponds to the Apache %b directive. Contains the number of bytes sent to service the request. Example: 23123 referer: corresponds to the Apache "%{Referer}i" directive. Contains the referring HTML page's URL, if applicable. Example: http://www.foobar.com/links.html agent: corresponds to the Apache "%{User-Agent}" directive. Contains the broswer type (user agent) of the software that made the request. Example: Mozilla/3.0 (Slurp/si; slurp@inktomi.com; http://www.inktomi.com/slurp.html) request_method: corresponds to the Apache %m directive. Contains the type of request sent: GET, PUT, etc. Example: GET request_protocol: corresponds to the Apache %H directive. Contains the HTTP protocol that was used. Example: HTTP/1.1 Notes ----- * The 'time_stamp' field is stored in an UNSIGNED INTEGER column, in the standard unix "seconds since 1/1/1970 12:00:00" format. This is superior to storing the access time as a string due to size requirements: an UNSIGNED INT type fits in 4 bytes, whereas the Apache date string (e.g. "18/Nov/2001:13:59:52 -0800") requires 26 bytes -- significantly larger, and those extra 22 bytes will add up over the thousands of accesses that a busy server will experience. Besides, an INT type is far more flexible for comparisons, etc. In MySQL 3.21 and above you can easily convert this to a human readable format using from_unixtime(), e.g.: select remote_host,request_uri,from_unixtime(time_stamp) from access_log; The enclosed perl program make_combined_log.pl shows how you can extract your access records in a format that is completely Combined Log Format compliant. You can then feed this to your favorite web log analysis tool. * The table's string values can be CHAR or VARCHAR, at a length of your choice. VARCHAR is superior because it truncates long strings; CHAR types are fixed-length and will be padded with spaces. Just like the time_stamp described above, that kind of space waste will add up over thousands of records. * Most fields should probably be set to NOT NULL. The only ones that shouldn't are extra fields that you don't intend the logging module to update. (You can have other fields in the logging tables if you'd like, but if they're set to NOT NULL then the logging module won't be able to insert rows to these tables.) * Apache normally logs numeric fields with a '-' character to mean "not applicable," e.g. bytes_sent on a request with a 304 response code. Since '-' is an illegal character in an SQL numeric field, such fields are assigned the value 0 instead of '-' which, of course, makes perfect sense anyway. * If your database goes offline and Apache cannot log to it, mod_log_mysql intelligently preserves any queries to a local text file. (By default the file is /tmp/mysql-preserve.) This will allow you to not miss those entries; when you bring your database back online it is a simple matter to import the contents of this preserve file. To do this simply copy the file to your MySQL server and run an import as follows: # mysql -uadminuser -p mydbname < mysql-preserve Author / Maintainer ------------------- The actual logging code was taken from the already existing flat file text modules, so all that credit goes to the Apache Server group. The MySQL routines and directives were added by Zeev Suraski . Changes from 1.06 on and the new documentation were added by Chris Powell . It seems that the module had fallen into the "unmaintained" category -- it hadn't been updated since 1998 -- so Chris adopted it as the new maintainer.