dnl Required initializer AC_INIT(mod_log_sql, 1.97) AC_PREREQ(2.53) AC_CONFIG_HEADERS(config.h) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR(mod_log_sql.c) dnl Add a test for a compiler. AC_PROG_CC APACHE20_VERSION=2.0.44 APACHE13_VERSION=1.3.20 CHECK_PATH_APACHE($APACHE13_VERSION,$APACHE20_VERSION, :, :, AC_MSG_ERROR([*** The correct version Apache was not found!]) AC_MSG_ERROR([*** You need either Apache 1.3 version $APACHE13_VERSION or greater]) AC_MSG_ERROR([*** or Apache 2.0/2.1 version $APACHE20_VERSION or greater!]) ) CHECK_PATH_MYSQL(:, AC_MSG_ERROR([*** Mysql client libraries not found!]) ) CHECK_PATH_MOD_SSL( AC_DEFINE(WANT_SSL_LOGGING,,[Define if we want to compile in SSL support.]) WANT_SSL_MOD=1, WANT_SSL_MOD=0 ) AC_SUBST(WANT_SSL_MOD) case "$target" in *-*-solaris* | *-*-osf* ) if test $APACHE_VERSION -eq 1.3; then RT_LIBS=-lrt fi ;; *) RT_LIBS="" ;; esac AC_SUBST(RT_LIBS) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(limits.h) AC_CONFIG_FILES([stamp-h], [echo timestamp > stamp-h]) PGSQL_LIBS=-lpq AC_SUBST(PGSQL_LIBS) AC_SUBST(PGSQL_LDFLAGS) AC_SUBST(PGSQL_CFLAGS) dnl Write config.status and the Makefile AC_OUTPUT(Makefile Documentation/Makefile contrib/Makefile) AC_MSG_RESULT([------------------------------------]) AC_MSG_RESULT([Apache version : $APACHE_VERSION]) if test $WANT_SSL_MOD -eq 1; then AC_MSG_RESULT([SSL Support : yes]) else AC_MSG_RESULT([SSL Support : no]) AC_MSG_RESULT([*** Use --enable-ssl to enable SSL support]) fi