#include "apr.h" #include "apr_getopt.h" #include "apr_tables.h" #define APR_WANT_STDIO #include "apr_want.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "shell.h" #include "config.h" #include "logparse.h" #include "database.h" #include "util.h" #if APR_HAS_THREADS #include "apr_queue.h" #include "apr_thread_pool.h" static apr_queue_t *queue; void run_multithreaded(config_t *cfg); #endif void run_singlethreaded(config_t *cfg); const apr_getopt_option_t _opt_config[] = { {"machineid", 'm', 1, "Machine ID for the log file"}, {"transaction", 't', 1, "Use a Transaction (yes,no)"}, {"logformat", 'r', 1, "Use this logformat to parse files"}, {"file", 'f', 1, "Parse this single log file (input dir is NOT scanned)"}, {"inputdir", 'i', 1, "Input Directory to look for log files"}, {"config", 'c', 1, "Configuration file to use (default mod_log_sql.conf)"}, {"dryrun", 'n', 0, "Perform a dry run (do not actually alter the databse)"}, {"dump", 'd', 0, "Dump the configuration after parsing and quit"}, {"loglevel", 'l', 1, "Log Level (deubg, notice, error)"}, {"summary", 's', 1, "Summary (yes,no)"}, {"threadcount", 'p', 1, "Set thread count (a number greater than 0)"}, {"help", 'h', 0, "Show Help"}, {NULL} }; void show_help(const char *prog, const apr_getopt_option_t *opts, FILE *output) { int ptr = 0; fprintf(output, "Usage: %s [OPTIONS] [files...]\n\n", prog); while (opts[ptr].optch != 0) { if (opts[ptr].optch > 255) { if (opts[ptr].name) { fprintf(output, " --%-10s", opts[ptr].name); } else { fprintf(output, " "); } } else { if (opts[ptr].name) { fprintf(output, " -%c --%-10s", opts[ptr].optch, opts[ptr].name); } else { fprintf(output, " -%c ", opts[ptr].optch); } } if (opts[ptr].has_arg) { fprintf(output, " (arg)"); } else { fprintf(output, " "); } fprintf(output, " %s\n", opts[ptr].description); ptr++; } } void print_summary(config_t *cfg) { config_filestat_t *fstat; int i,m; apr_time_t totaltime = 0; apr_size_t totalparsed = 0, totalskipped = 0, totalbad = 0; fstat = (config_filestat_t *)cfg->input_files->elts; printf("Execution Summary\nParsed %d files\n", cfg->input_files->nelts); for (i=0, m=cfg->input_files->nelts; iind != opts->argc) { show_help(argv[0], _opt_config, stderr); fprintf(stderr, "\n%s: Extra unknown arguments passed\n\n",argv[0]); exit(1); } // Initialize sub systems parser_init(pool); config_init(pool); database_init(pool); // Process configuration file cfg = config_create(pool); // initialize STD out error log logging_preinit(cfg); rv = config_read(cfg, apr_table_get(args,"Config"), args); apr_pool_destroy(ptemp); // Initialize Log system AFTER we parse the configuration logging_init(cfg); if (APR_STATUS_IS_ENOENT(rv)) { logging_log(cfg,LOGLEVEL_NOISE,"Could not load configuration file: %s",apr_table_get(args,"config")); } else if (rv) { exit(1); } if (cfg->dump) { config_dump(cfg); exit(0); } if (config_check(cfg)) { logging_log(cfg,LOGLEVEL_NOISE, "Please correct the configuration"); exit(1); } // Only Find files IF no filename was passed via the command line if (apr_is_empty_array(cfg->input_files)) { parser_find_logs(cfg); } if (!apr_is_empty_array(cfg->input_files)) { parser_split_logs(cfg); #if APR_HAS_THREADS if (cfg->thread_count > 1) { run_multithreaded(cfg); } else { #endif run_singlethreaded(cfg); #if APR_HAS_THREADS } #endif } else { logging_log(cfg,LOGLEVEL_NOISE,"No log files found to parse"); } if (cfg->summary) { print_summary(cfg); } return 0; } void run_singlethreaded(config_t *cfg) { config_filestat_t *filelist; config_dbd_t *dbconn = NULL; int f, l; apr_status_t rv; if (!cfg->dryrun) { if ((rv = database_connect(cfg, &dbconn))) { logging_log(cfg,LOGLEVEL_NOISE, "Error Connecting to Database"); exit(1); } } filelist = (config_filestat_t *)cfg->input_files->elts; for (f=0, l=cfg->input_files->nelts; f < l; f++) { rv = parser_parsefile(cfg, dbconn, &filelist[f]); if (rv) { logging_log(cfg, LOGLEVEL_NOISE, "Error occured parsing log files. Aborting"); break; } } if (!cfg->dryrun) { database_disconnect(dbconn); } } #if APR_HAS_THREADS void * APR_THREAD_FUNC run_filethread(apr_thread_t *thd, void *data) { config_t *cfg = data; config_dbd_t *dbconn = NULL; config_filestat_t *fileentry; apr_status_t rv; if (!cfg->dryrun) { if ((rv = database_connect(cfg, &dbconn))) { logging_log(cfg,LOGLEVEL_NOISE, "Error Connecting to Database"); return NULL; } } while (1) { rv = apr_queue_pop(queue, (void **)&fileentry); if (rv == APR_EINTR) continue; if (rv == APR_EOF) break; rv = parser_parsefile(cfg, dbconn, fileentry); if (rv) { logging_log(cfg, LOGLEVEL_NOISE, "Error occured parsing log file %s", fileentry->fname); } } if (!cfg->dryrun) { database_disconnect(dbconn); } return NULL; } void run_multithreaded(config_t *cfg) { logging_log(cfg, LOGLEVEL_NOISE, "Running Multithreaded"); config_filestat_t *filelist; int f, l; apr_status_t rv; apr_pool_t *tp; apr_thread_pool_t *thrp; unsigned int count; apr_pool_create(&tp, cfg->pool); rv = apr_queue_create(&queue, cfg->input_files->nelts, tp); rv = apr_thread_pool_create(&thrp, 0, cfg->thread_count, tp); //populate queue filelist = (config_filestat_t *)cfg->input_files->elts; for (f=0, l=cfg->input_files->nelts; f < l; f++) { rv = apr_queue_push(queue, &filelist[f]); } // populate the worker threads for (f=0; fthread_count; f++) { rv = apr_thread_pool_push(thrp, run_filethread, cfg, 0, NULL); } do { apr_sleep(apr_time_from_sec(1)); count = apr_queue_size(queue); } while (count > 0); rv = apr_queue_term(queue); rv = apr_thread_pool_destroy(thrp); } #endif