package DJabberd::Authen::LDAP; use warnings; use strict; use base 'DJabberd::Authen'; use DJabberd::Log; our $logger = DJabberd::Log->get_logger; use Net::LDAP; sub log { $logger; } =head1 NAME DJabberd::Authen::LDAP - An LDAP authentication module for DJabberd =head1 VERSION Version 0.02 =cut our $VERSION = '0.02'; =head1 SYNOPSIS [...] LDAPURI ldap://localhost/ LDAPBindDN cn=reader LDAPBindPW pass LDAPBaseDN ou=people LDAPFilter (&(inetAuthorizedServices=jabber)(uid=%u)) LDAPMethod rebind LDAPURI , LDAPBaseDN, and LDAPFilter are required Everything else is optional. The Only LDAPMethod supported at the moment is rebind which performs a bind as LDAPBindDN or does anonymous bind, then searches for the user using LDAPFilter and then will rebind as the found DN to verify the password. LDAPFilter is an LDAP filter substutions - %u will be substituted with the incoming userid (w/o the domain) (ie. myuser) - %d will be substituted with the incoming userid's domain (ie. =head1 AUTHOR Edward Rudd, C<< >> =cut sub set_config_ldapuri { my ($self, $ldapuri) = @_; if ( $ldapuri =~ /((?:ldap[si]?\:\/\/)?[\w\.%\d]+\/?)/ ) { $self->{'ldap_uri'} = $ldapuri; } } sub set_config_ldapbinddn { my ($self, $ldapbinddn) = @_; $self->{'ldap_binddn'} = $ldapbinddn; } sub set_config_ldapbindpw { my ($self, $ldapbindpw) = @_; $self->{'ldap_bindpw'} = $ldapbindpw; } sub set_config_ldapbasedn { my ($self, $ldapbasedn) = @_; $self->{'ldap_basedn'} = $ldapbasedn; } sub set_config_ldapfilter { my ($self, $ldapfilter) = @_; $self->{'ldap_filter'} = $ldapfilter; } sub set_config_ldapmethod { my ($self, $ldapmethod) = @_; if ( $ldapmethod =~ /^(?:rebind)$/ ) { $self->{'ldap_method'} = $ldapmethod; } else { $self->{'ldap_method'} = 'unknown'; } } sub finalize { my $self = shift; $logger->error_die("Invalid LDAP URI") unless $self->{ldap_uri}; $logger->error_die("No LDAP BaseDN Specified") unless $self->{ldap_basedn}; if (not defined $self->{'ldap_method'}) { $self->{'ldap_method'} = 'rebind'; } for ($self->{ldap_method}) { if (/^rebind$/) { # check additional required params $logger->error_die("Must specify filter with userid as %u") unless $self->{ldap_filter}; } else { $logger->error_die("Invalid LDAP Authentication Method"); } } # Initialize ldap connection $self->{'ldap_conn'} = Net::LDAP->new($self->{ldap_uri}) or $logger->error_die("Could not connect to LDAP Server ".$self->{ldap_uri}); } sub can_retrieve_cleartext { 0 } sub check_cleartext { my ($self, $cb, %args) = @_; my $username = $args{username}; my $password = $args{password}; my $conn = $args{conn}; unless ($username =~ /^\w+$/) { $cb->reject; return; } my $ldap = $self->{'ldap_conn'}; if (defined $self->{'ldap_binddn'}) { if (not $ldap->bind($self->{'ldap_binddn'}, password=>$self->{'ldap_bindpw'})) { $logger->info("Could not bind to ldap server"); $cb->decline; } } else { $ldap->unbind; } my $filter = $self->{'ldap_filter'}; my $vhost = $conn->vhost->server_name; $filter =~ s/%u/$username/; $filter =~ s/%d/$vhost/; $logger->info("Searching $filter on ".$self->{'ldap_basedn'}); my $srch = $ldap->search( base=>$self->{'ldap_basedn'}, filter=>$filter, attrs=>['dn']); if ($srch->code || $srch->count != 1) { $logger->info("Account $username not found."); $cb->decline; } else { my $entry = $srch->entry(0); my $DN = $entry->dn(); undef($entry); undef($srch); my $res = $ldap->bind($DN,password=>$password); if ($res->code == 0) { $cb->accept; } else { $cb->reject; } } } =head1 COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Original work Copyright 2006 Alexander Karelas, Martin Atkins, Brad Fitzpatrick and Aleksandar Milanov. All rights reserved. Copyright 2007 Edward Rudd. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1;