This directory contains contributed scripts/programs/utilites for mod_log_sql. * create_tables.sql This is the create table SQL commands to create the access, headers_in, headers_out, cookies, and notes tables in the MySQL database. Use it like this. mysql -u user -h host -p apachelogdatabase < create_tables.sql Where: user is the username to log in as, host is the hostname the server is on, apachelogdatabase is the database to put the tables into -p will have mysql ask you for a password for the user * This perl script will extract the data from mod_log_sql's tables in the database and export a standard Apache combined log file. Use this to run logs through a program like webalizer. You must edit the perl script to configure variables before you run it. Usage: ./ days virtualhost Where: days is the number of days to fetch (starting from now and going back in time) virtualhost is the name of the virtualhost to retrieve Example: ./ 2 * This is a perl script written by Aaron Jenson that imports a combined log file from apache into a SQL database table.. You can use this script to import logs from a webserver you are converting over from the standard Apache log system to mod_log_sql. A Usage statement can be fetch by running the program with no parameters or with --help or -?.